Investera 1.000.000kr...! I vad...?

Har tänkt investera i min framtid...! Jag har ett skitjobb som jag inte trivs med och vill göra något annat som kan ge mig en bättre inkmst, öppna eget!

Jag har lyckats få fram närmare 1 miljon som jag vill investera i en verksamhet/företag. På sikt skulle vilja kunna ta ut en lön på närmare 40.000 i månaden.

Har tittat på allt från Café, Tobaksaffärer, Godisbutiker, Solarium ja mest fysiska verksamheter helt enkelt... Är det realistiskt att tro att man ska kunna ta ut en lön på ovan nämnda summa om man köper en verksamhet för knappa miljonen? Jag har självklart tänkt jobba minst heltid själv.

Eller finns det något bättre sätt att investera mina pengar för att få ovan nämnda avkastning? Kanske någon annan typ av företag än en fysisk verksamhet.
hope its ok on English, i cant say much about investments, but i can tell you that you shouldn't start anything just for the wish of getting 40.000 a month some day. Having your own company is much more work, then a normal full time job. So it needs to be something you REALLY want to work with. And if it needs to be a café or some other store, then i would look into what the Area you want it to be in, doesnt and what you could offer that others don't have. but if you arent 110% committed, then it would be a big risk, using 1 mill on it. Then maybe rather invest it in something else and just keep a normal job beside that and earn the ekstra on the Shares. Either way, i hope you choose the right path and good luck with what ever you choose.
Thanks for your input i do agree that you have to be 110% committed to succeed with having your own business. I already work 200+ hours a month so hard work is not a problem. Im not intrested in opening a business from scratch, thats way to risky for me to invest my lifesavings in. I want to invest my money in something that is already running... What I dont agree with is the old cliché that you have to do something you love doing. A job is a job... How many people really love their jobs? At the end of the day, most of us just want that paycheck...
Hej Daniel! Hur har det gått för dig? Jag har kanske ett förslag till dig. Maila mig gärna på så kan jag berätta mer om hur jag jobbar på detta sätt. Vänligen Jessica
Jessica Jäger Sångerska och kulturproducent
[quote="Daniel_Sthlm" post=41034]Thanks for your input i do agree that you have to be 110% committed to succeed with having your own business. I already work 200+ hours a month so hard work is not a problem. Im not intrested in opening a business from scratch, thats way to risky for me to invest my lifesavings in. I want to invest my money in something that is already running... What I dont agree with is the old cliché that you have to do something you love doing. A job is a job... How many people really love their jobs? At the end of the day, most of us just want that paycheck...[/quote] I know a job is a job ;) i didn't mean the normal day job, i do doubt many really love that job. I meant if you had to start from scratch, then you had to do some you love, cause i dont think anyone can really put 110% in every single day, if they hate what they are doing. Like my job, i sometimes work 18 hours on a Sunday on something, only cause i like what i have started and i wanted to do the best. had it been on my old (normal) job, then i would never even had dreamed about doing anything on a Sunday, unless i got paid extra and then still no more then 8-10 hours. :) but since you just wanted to invest in something already running, then that wouldn't really be a problem anyway. ;) sorry for the late reply, been busy hehe. Hope you have come closer to finding something useful to invest in.
Om du vill ha en lön på 40' skulle jag råda dig att investera din mille i en utbildning. Civiling med specialinriktning på något kul eller privat mediautbildning på t.ex. Berghs om du är intresserad av sånt.

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